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A Guide To Smart Motion Sensors

May. 26, 2022

When it comes to home technology, smart motion sensors are some of the more efficient and versatile devices you can buy. But in order to get the full safety and convenience that motion sensors offer, you need to follow some best practices. That's why we've put together a guide that explains everything from the best motion sensor uses and locations to installation tips.


What is a smart motion sensor?

A smart motion sensor is a device that detects motion in and around your home and triggers action accordingly. For example, a smart motion sensor can automatically turn on a light when it senses you entering a room. Or, they can send you an alert if an intruder tries to enter your home. Ultimately, motion sensors are designed to give you peace of mind and help your home run more smoothly and efficiently.


Types of smart sensors for your home

Motion sensors aren't the only type of smart sensor worth investing in. For example, there are a number of other smart sensors that can make your house safer and more efficient.


Temperature sensors. Temperature sensors, such as those found in smart thermostats, can monitor the temperature in your home and give you better control over it, saving you energy in the process.

Light sensors. Light sensors read the amount of daylight your home receives and are often used to automate the lighting functions of your smart security system.

Smoke detectors. Smart smoke detectors can not only detect fires in your home, but can also be programmed to send fire alerts to your smartphone or other connected devices.

Water leak sensors. Water leak sensors help prevent water damage in your home by sending an alert to your smartphone as soon as a water leak is detected.

Air quality sensors. Air quality sensors detect carbon monoxide and other pollutants in the air of your home and can alert you if levels are too high.

Placement of motion sensors

In order for your motion sensors to reach their full potential, you need to make sure they are located in the right area of your home. The following are some of the most effective locations for placing motion sensors.

Smart Wireless PIR Body Sensor

Smart Wireless PIR Body Sensor


Where to place motion sensors?

Corners. Installing a motion sensor in the corner of a room will allow your sensor to view the space below as wide as possible. Just make sure the sensor is pointing toward the doorway and that there are no obstructions.

Front and back doors. Placing motion sensors above doorways will keep them out of sight and make it nearly impossible for an intruder to enter without setting off an alarm.

High-traffic areas. Equipping stairs, main hallways and other high-traffic areas with motion sensors ensures that intruders can trigger the alarm no matter where they try to reach.

Proximity to valuables. Placing a motion detector near or behind valuables can alert intruders if they try to move or steal them.

Basement. Intruders may try to gain low-profile entry through your basement, so it's wise to have motion sensors in that space. For best results, sensors should be aimed at doors and windows and free of any clutter.


More Best Practices for Motion Sensor Placement

Motion sensor placement can have a significant impact on the performance of the device. Follow some of these best practices when determining the ideal motion sensor location.

Install motion sensors in areas where intruders are most likely to gain access.

Place the motion sensor at least 6-8 feet above the ground.

Make sure there are no obstructions blocking the view of the motion sensor.

Keep motion sensors away from vents, radiators and other heat sources.

Use the motion sensor in a climate-controlled room.

Align the motion sensor in a way that forces an intruder to walk through the sensor's range rather than toward it.


Smart Door Sensor

Smart Door Sensor

Installing motion sensors in your house

While the process may vary depending on the type of motion sensor you have and the layout of your particular home, there are some general steps to follow when installing a motion sensor in your home.

Turn on your motion sensor and make sure you have everything you need, including batteries.

Choose a location for your motion sensor, indoors or outdoors.

Attach the mounting bracket to the desired wall or surface.

Place the motion sensor in the mounting bracket and check to make sure it is secure and stable.

Sync your motion sensor to your smartphone, smart home hub, or other connected device.

Adjust the motion sensor settings and create an automation schedule.

Clean your motion sensors every few months to keep them working efficiently.


Get the most out of your home motion sensors

If you want to build a smart home, motion sensors are an easy and cost-effective place to start. These versatile devices can help you with everything from improving your home security to reducing the amount of energy you consume every day. Not to mention the extra efficiency and convenience motion sensors provide. Following the tips and instructions we've developed is the best way to ensure you get the best value for your motion sensor.


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